Learn the Foundations of authentic Maori Healing and Bodywork; including cultural concepts of wellbeing. This workshop is for everyone, whether you are a beginner or experienced practitioner - Maori or non-Maori - you are welcome to attend.
Connect to cultural knowledge and practice! Gain insight, rediscover your potential and experience personal transformation at this unique 2-day event! This workshop is for anyone; whether you are a beginner or experienced practitioner.
Authentic Mirimiri/Romiromi is a powerful indigenous healing modality. This is often in contrast to the widely held misconception that it is merely another form of massage. Be immersed in the cultural concepts and foundational philosophies of health and wellbeing that underpin the traditional practice of Mirimiri/Romiromi; including the importance of self-care. You will be given the tools and confidence to utilise Mirimiri and Romiromi not only as a form of healing for yourself and others, but as a way of life. Many people experience their own personal healing and transformation during this workshop.
Jolie Davis is an established traditional practitioner and educator (formally a trained nurse) from Te Rarawa/Ngati Kuri. She is currently based in Porirua, Wellington where she works as a Kaimirimiri and Injury Specialist.
The Manawa Ora workshop is recommended as a training option for staff and employees; ie; counsellors, social workers, health workers, teachers and clinical practitioners looking to expand their cultural understanding and by doing so engage more effectively with Maori and whanau. Talk to your employer or organisation about supporting your attendance for the purpose of professional development.
This workshop is suiitable as an introduction for total beginners (you don't need any experience), Kaimirimiri or established practitioners looking to develop their knowledge around the bodywork; so that you can begin working towards reclaiming wellness for yourself, your whanau and your community. The Manawa Ora Workshops are currently delivered in NZ (Kapiti, Rotorua) and AU (Brisbane, Melbourne, Gold Coast and Sydney)
Cost: $350
Fees do not include accomodation. If you are travelling from out of town please be sure to arrange your own accomodation.
Spaces are strictly limited.
DAY ONE is a SHARED LUNCH. - please bring a plate. Lunch on day two - and all morning/afternoon teas and drinks - will be provided.
You will need to wear light, loose clothing (no jeans!) and bring a sarong (if you have one) and a towel. Weather permitting, we prefer to work outside under cover as much as possible.
Your workbooks and pens are provided.
Start time is 9am sharp - please come 15 mins beforehand to ensure we can start on time.
Venue: Apumoana Marae, Tarawera Rd, Lynmore, Rotorua
- 9am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday
- Shared lunch Saturday. Morning teas and Sunday lunch provided
PM me your email address or email joliedavis@manawaora.org for registration and payment details.
TO REGISTER: Please email: joliedavis@manawaora.org
Whaia te iti kahurangi!